Sunday, August 03, 2008

1st Time on a JET SKI/SKI DOO-Friday Aug. 1st, 2008

Heidi helping me plug the jet ski key in.  I like the shadow of Janee, taking the photo.
I'm I really going to go out on the lake alone?  Lori had taken me out for a nice ride and I decided to get my courage up and go for it!
Away I go.......nice and slow till I got out past the 5 mph boey.  On my way back in I was trying to get up to Lori and Michelle, but was going too fast and the Police boat guy told me to slow down.  It was pretty funny because I never really went that fast the whole time out there.  If I did the water would fly up in my face and then the wind would hit you and it would get cold.
This is a funny Fred Hansen face.  I was a bit nervous.

1 comment:

Holly said...

IT's funny that you say Fred Hansen Face because I can totally see that...but what is really impressive is how amazing you look in a swim suit! Wish I could say that about myself....