Scott surprised me with tickets to see "Fiddler on the Roof". It was at the Pantages in Hollywood. We went out to eat first and saw some interesting people and then the show. It started at 8:oopm and went just before 11:oopm. What a great performance. The best part was having the guy Topol in it. He is the guy that is in the orginal movie/play. He was great at 73 years of age. He still has it. Great deep voice and timing for all the comedy in the show.
Here I am right when we got down there. It was a big day. Went and watched Ryan and Landen play in Santa Monica in a VB tournament. Mom and Dad came to watch too. They did great, always wanting to do better.
Ryan and Landen in an "A" tournament

Who are these two movie stars? Mom and Dad are too cute. I'm so happy I got to spend some of my birthday with them. We had a fun day relaxing up at Santa Monica beach. Oh were there some big waves that day.
Happy 50th to me!! I'm ready for the next 50.