Sunday, October 26, 2008

Yes we had a fun day waving signs for Yes on Prop 8

It was a very positive experience on saturday.  We had about 25 people show on our corner, which was Hawthorne Blvd. and Del Amo.  Lot of thumbs up and horn honking.  Lots of smiles and people thanking us for being out there.   Lot of people just walking by and wanting to know what Yes on 8 was.  We had one lady who took a sign home with her.  We told her to take it in at night cause it will get stolen.  She said she knew about that.  She takes her McCain/Palin sign in each night too.  We had some opposition as well.  I can only tell you, the opposition likes a certain finger signal.  They weren't afraid to use it. We worked from 12-2pm and we saw a lot of traffic.  This really was an experience.  Glad we could take a stand.  


Reuven said...

It's really been all settled. Most True Christians are voting NO on proposition 8

Joy said...

Hi Shelly,
It's me, Joy. My sister Kay and I were at the sign-waving event too. Thanks so much for all of your hard work with the Restoring Traditional Marriage campaign. I've continued to post to my blog: (I'm making updates to it now-some of the older posts will be online by the end of the week). There is still a lot of work to do.

It looks like you had a terrific Thanksgiving. And I love the volleyball photos. Please let me know if you ever need an extra vb player.

Take care,